
Dole Exotics is brought to you by Dole plc, a global leader in the fresh produce industry. Dole is committed to ensuring best agronomic and sustainable practices are in place right across our supply chain from seed to store, farm to fork. Empowering consumers to integrate more nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables, exotic and otherwise, into their daily diet, is an important component of that commitment. So too is reducing our environmental footprint, ensuring human rights and doing business in the right way. You can find out more about our global approach to sustainability  here.

The Dole Way

Our way is The Dole Way - a firm commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainability. In an honest and transparent way, we set ourselves ambitious goals and defined concrete metrics. Our sustainability history shows that we have already achieved a great deal. But Dole will continue on this exciting path in dialogue with our partners, consumers and retailers. Let's tackle the future together today!

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals graphic

The United Nations Sustainability goals are widely recognised as a shared blueprint for achieving a more sustainable future for all.

In Dole, our new, reset sustainability goals were developed by representatives across all areas of our business to ensure they reflect our collective ambitions and commitment towards making a positive impact. These goals are aligned and contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) prioritising 10 of the 17 goals. 

Our Areas Of Focus

Areas of Focus graphic

We are committed to making a real difference across each and every area of sustainability while focusing on those areas where our influence is most meaningful. In identifying key areas related to our impact and operations we can apply focus and assign resources to ensure that ours is an impactful and positive contribution towards making the world a healthier, more sustainable place.

For Nature

In Dole we recognise we are but custodians of the delicate eco-systems in which we operate. Measurement and management lies at the heart of all that we do. Our group carbon footprint brings together our scope 1,2 and 3 emissions, combing real world data and best in class modelling techniques. Across Dole we are implementing measures to reduce this footprint and transition to renewable alternatives wherever possible. Water is an equally valuable resource, of course.

We are proud to be a member of the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) as we invest in the responsible management of water. In total, 20 farms have been recognised for their sustainable water management practices across Colombia and Ecuador, including Dole-owned and Dole independent producers. In 2024 we will begin a pilot which will profile Biodiversity across a selected range of third party farms and own production, utilising state of the art satellite technologies while across our operations we continue to embrace ever more innovative ways to reduce food waste and non-sustainable packaging.

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For People

Working hard to maintain and develop professional and ethical standards across all our worldwide operations is a priority here in Dole. We continually focus on our commitment to responsible business practices in every aspect of our stakeholder relationships while also protecting human rights like equal opportunity, safe and healthy working environments, fair employment practices, freedom of association, collective bargaining agreements among many others.

Dole plc operates globally and has established meaningful ties with local communities in many regions. Over the decades Dole has supported the development of these communities in many tangible ways. We identify our community stakeholders and get to know their concerns, prioritizing the most important or relevant issues to focus our involvement and available resources.  

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For Food

It’s is a privilege to market the most nutritious of food groups with amongst the lowest carbon footprints, fresh fruits and vegetables. With that privilege comes responsibility. We know we have an important role to play in promoting good health & well-being. In Dole, our strategy in promoting fresh produce is predicated on affecting behavioural change by inspiring, educating and empowering consumers- collaborating with our partners across the supply chain and with other interested Governmental and non-governmental third parties wherever possible. We recognize our obligation to promote and assure best practices right across the supply chain on our farms- not just on our own farms but also on those of our partners. There are three components to this process: Grower profiling and selection, ongoing vigilance and enforcement. Sustainability certifications, third-party accreditation and audits, along with stringent Dole-implemented standards developed over many years offers assurance to our customers and other stakeholders that the fruit and vegetables that we sell have been produced in accordance with the highest environmental and labour standards.

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Sustainability Story

To find out more about our ‘Sustainability Story’ visit our group website.

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Dole Plc, Registered Office: 29 North Anne Street, Dublin 7, DO7 PH36, Ireland. Telephone No. +353 1 887 2600.  Registered in Ireland. No: 606201

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